The Compound Effect: Summary and Notes

⭐️⭐️/5 Like most self help books this books list down commonly repeated points with very poor examples. Book could have been named How to lose weight through motivation, most of the example are related to food, how to lose weight. The approach of book is very generic and I believe…

Deep Work: Summary and Notes

Summary * Chapter 1 is mostly author trying to convince about deep work and why it is important. Which is one of the biggest chapter in book. * There are few good tips about how to reduce distraction and focus more. * Personally I think, this book could have been a one detailed…

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker: Summary & Notes

Summary Only book I ever read which talks about importance of sleep. Definitely worth a read for better understanding why we sleep and for those who have hard time sleeping. After reading this book you will be convinced how sleep plays major role in our day to day life and…