My experience with React-hook-form and redux-form

In my recent project, I had to use forms at multiple pages and started with redux-form which is very well built with nice documentation. After a month I came across React-hook-form and it seems way simpler to use, particularly validations. Few things which catch my attention about React-hook-form were: * Less…

My workspace setup (2020 edition)

IDE * I mainly use VS code. Here is the screenshot of how my IDE looks like. * Current theme I am using is ReUI . * Few extensions which make my life easy. * Beautify * ESlint * Bracket Pair Colorizer * Prettier * Remote SSH * Live Server Terminal * My terminal of choice is iTerm2. I'm using the…


Hello and welcome to my first blog. My name is Varun Yadav as you already know by the name of domain. My goal is to write more about technology which I work on daily basis and share knowledge on those topics. What you will be seeing more of in my…